Grant Accounting Financial Affairs University of Texas at San Antonio

grant accounting

You are likely looking
at this webpage because you wrote a successful grant proposal and have received
an award letter from the granting agency. GAO is responsible for preparing a multitude of financial reports for sponsors. For more information on these reports, as well as other reports that GAO handles, please visit the Reporting section.

The Program Director is directly responsible for the project from start to end. GAO is responsible for fund collection, depositing and accounts receivable, as well as performing follow-up with any non-paying sponsors. Occasionally, departments may be given authority to submit invoices directly to the sponsor, but must obtain approval from GAO in advance. The notification is sent via an email from uiris- to the parties listed on the Award Activation Authorization Notice (AAAN). This
result in a shorter, less complicated chart of accounts – without loss of the underlying detail. QuickBooks adds ease and efficiency to the grant tracking process, but can not replace a solid grant accountant.

History of IAS 20

Upon the receipt of an invoice for goods or services, the expense is recorded for the invoice amount and the encumbrance is liquidated, thus updating the budget balance available accordingly. All grant expenditures must be charged to the appropriate expense accounts within the University chart-of-account. Because accurate nonprofit accounting can help with reporting and auditing requirements, and ensure that the funds are being used in accordance with the grantor’s wishes. Besides, proper accounting gives you a clear picture of your organization’s fiscal health and helps you to make informed decisions on how to allocate resources. GAO provides faculty and staff with monthly electronic financial status reports for their sponsored projects.

The payroll record shows the employee’s gross pay, payroll deductions and the University’s share of the fringe benefits. The total payroll cost for a pay date is charged to the grant account in summary by salary or benefit type referencing the pay period ending date. The Accounting Office does not maintain additional payroll records for any grant programs for which the payroll expenses are directly charged through the Payroll System. If journal entries are used to record payroll expenses, such entries and the backup document will be a part of the grant program file. Conversely, in a line budgeting approach, each approved line on the grant budget is entered into a separate line within the grant account and the expenditures will reduce the specific line.

Distribute monthly financial statements

The three major types of grants are unconditional grants, conditional grants, and reimbursable grants. Once you have viewed this piece of content, to ensure you can access the content most relevant to you, please confirm your territory. These materials were downloaded from PwC’s Viewpoint ( under license.

We provide timely, accurate, and reliable services with high fidelity to your organization’s mission and values. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve greater fiscal health, greater transparency, and improved service delivery for your organization. This means having effective systems and processes in place for tracking grant expenditures, documenting grant-related activities, and making sure all expenses are properly classified. Doing this ensures that you can demonstrate compliance with grant requirements and provides a clear audit trail for any future reviews.

Guidelines for Successful Grants Management

This includes the annual audit of federal awards required under Uniform Guidance, Subpart F – Audit Requirements. If your organization depends on grants, grant accounting should be on your radar. It can help you track grant-related revenue and expenses so that you fulfill your mission and maintain excellent relationships with donors, stakeholders, and others who are important to you. Some people may call it nonprofit account, but this applies for non dilutive equity providers, university transfer office companies, SBIR grants (NIH, DOD, DOE, etc.), and other for profit organizations. Set clear and consistent expectations with your team when it comes to accounting for grant funds. This means that everyone should understand the procedures, deadlines, and any other expectations related to accounting for grants.

grant accounting

It is preferred that a positive, proactive approach to managing sponsored funding be taken by Principal Investigators and supporting administrative personnel. You can assign each transaction in
QuickBooks to a class to track revenue and expenses for a specific program regardless of the chart of accounts. With classes, you may have one set of general ledger accounts and separate by classes based on specific programs, grants, or donors. Regular financial audits can help ensure the accuracy of your financials, determine your fiscal health and compliance, and identify any potential issues.


The Purchasing Office staff will prepare a Purchase Order if the request for services is less than $1,500, and a Service Purchase Contract if the request is for more than $1,500. Requests for services requiring a Service Purchase Contract should be entered as a requisition at least six weeks prior to the date of the event. The Service Purchase Contract will be prepared and, after being signed by the vendor, will be forwarded to the Legal Counsel for review and approval.

grant accounting

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